
Build an e-commerce bookmarking app with more than +1M products saved.
Consumer Technology
Tech Stack
React Native
Product Design
Mobile Development
AI/Recomendation Engine


A better and more efficient way to shop.

Product quality, branding, and user reviews influence online purchases more than ever ― yet seven out of ten online shoppers still abandon their carts without making a purchase. Based on this insight, our team conducted internal user research workshops and found that the most repeated habit among online shoppers involved screenshotting and sharing product links to themselves as a reminder for later.

As a result, users often accumulated clutter in their phones and email, making it easy to lose track of what they really liked.

We challenged ourselves to build an app that could help these user groups organize and consolidate their favorite products.

— Vision to reality: product research, design, and development

— iOS and Android mobile applications

— Scrapping and recommendation engines


Be your own shopping curator.

We wanted to build a mobile application that could actually be useful for saving shopping carts and organizing them into categorized collections. The initial prototype was designed and developed within six weeks and tested by colleagues, friends, and family.

This was the starting point for further engineering and design learning. Through various product iterations, new features were incorporated to correspond with the feedback received from users during the initial beta testing of the app.

Firstly, we made the app flexible enough to be used by any website or shopping app, so users could easily save products for later through their browser or native share button on their device. We also made collections public, so each user could share the categorized and contextualized product collections among friends.

As the app gained traction, we built an algorithm for digesting, labeling, and recommending items on the basis of each user's interests ― utilizing all of their saved products and stores. Time-in-app metrics grew as these features were added into the solution.

Finally, we wanted to improve the number of active users and reduce the churn rates, so we engineered a cloud-scraper engine to fetch product pricing changes and alert users when one of their saved items dropped in price.

No items found.


Designed for everyday shoppers

We fully conceptualized a mobile application aimed at solving online shopping patterns among our team, colleagues, and friends. With Shoplater, users can now save their favorite items from all e-commerce stores in one place, organize them into curated collections, receive alerts when prices drop, find similar products from other online stores, and invite friends to join and collaborate in their curation process.

While online shoppers use Shoplater to keep things organized, and make better and more thoughtful purchases, the platform also empowers hundreds of e-commerce stores to grow their business by recommending their products to new users.

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